Have I mentioned that Evan has been getting a lot of hiccups lately? It feels so funny! Even Mike has been able to feel them.
34 weeks today. I am feeling bigger every day but am still going to put on a bathing suit for my AquaMoms class tonight. (No cape, though.)
I had my first baby shower on Saturday night! It was a complete surprise! Mike was supposed to take me to my boss Connie's house, where all my Youth Services co-workers would be waiting, at 6:30 on Saturday for a surprise couples shower, complete with dinner. He put an "X" in his Blackberry to remind himself...well, he forgot what the "X" meant! I got home from work about 6 on Saturday, and he had made dinner, so we ate together and then I was getting ready for an evening with my (swollen) feet up when he suddenly decided we should go get a special dessert "surprise." (He had gotten a phone call while I was in the bathroom!) Thankfully I at least insisted on brushing my teeth before we went! It was past 8 when we pulled up in front of Connie's house, me with my eyes closed (at Mike's insistence), thinking, "This better be some really special dessert, and are the other customers looking at us like we're crazy?" Anyway, it was a lovely shower, with yummy food, delicious cake, fun games, good company, and a great gift -- the jogging stroller we registered for. (Not that I jog, but we do plan to take brisk walks!) And it was definitely a surprise. Thanks, ladies!!!
Oh, and I packed my hospital bag this morning, just in case! Anything I absolutely need to take with me that I might not think of? Comment away!