Wow, waiting is hard! Is there any other momentous life event that is so unpredictable? At least with a wedding or a move or a new job, you know what date you're aiming for. With a baby, it's entirely up to them! I don't consider myself a control freak by any means, but this not knowing when my baby will be born is really hard! Especially since the "due date" doesn't mean much, and apparently neither do all the pre-labor signs I've been experiencing the last few weeks!
The big thing that makes me mind the ticking clock is the fact that I am fast using up my leave -- before the reason for my leave even makes his appearance! Sigh. At least I have felt much more energetic the last few days. (I was hoping this meant the infamous nesting was taking place...) And then last night I had some contractions that I thought were the real deal, but I'm not having them anymore.
But at least I'm ready, or as ready as I can be for such a life change. I had my second shower (a family shower) last Saturday, and while it didn't quite go as planned -- my poor grandma, who was going to hostess, lost power, and couldn't have it, and so only half the guests ended up being able to attend when my mom (such a good sport!) changed the venue to her house -- it was very nice just the same. And, as usual, people were so generous! So now Evan has all his essentials, and they are washed and organized and waiting for him.
I guess I just need to remind myself that God's timing is perfect.