Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Book Reviews!

I've actually been able to read a few books since Evan arrived! I am going to mention two that are absoutely excellent youth/young adult picks (although I promise you grown-ups will enjoy them too!).

First is Incarceron by Catherine Fisher. This is such an original fantasy with vivid characters and a world that you are able to just fall into (no complicated explanations!) and -- of course -- a cliffhanger ending. I can't wait for the sequel: Sapphique, which comes out in December.

Then there's Megan Whalen Turner's latest, A Conspiracy of Kings. This is the fourth in the series started by her Newbery Honor-winning The Thief, and each of the books in this series are so complex I really don't think they should be limited to kids! She also creates vivid characters and sets them in a historical world complicated by politics, faith, friendship, romance, and a little hint of the supernatural. If you haven't tried this series, run to your local library and give The Thief a try.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Last Time I'll Mention Breastfeeding on My Blog, I Promise!

So the goat's rue didn't help...I just finished a pumping session and got 1/2 an ounce. I've decided to wean. (Can you wean a pump?) I keep getting plugged ducts, which seems ridiculous since I can't imagine what they could be plugged with -- it's not like I'm making milk!

Thanks for all the advice and encouragement. I feel sad that Evan will have to be exclusively formula-fed from now on, but, as my ob/gyn said, I gave it the "college try." She assured me that this experience doesn't mean that I'll have the same problems with my next baby. So I will continue to thank the Lord for sparing my life and Evan's, and enjoy giving him his bottles. (He gazes adoringly at anyone who feeds him.)

And someone did tell me about "Milkshare," where women donate their extra breast milk, but I just can't imagine taking breast milk from someone I don't know. It is a bodily fluid, after all! So I did my research on formula choices, and Parent's Choice Organic it is!