Saturday, January 23, 2010

Inaugural Post

So, I've been considering blogging (for myself, not the library) for a while now...and since I now have more to share than book reviews (i.e., baby news), I thought now was as good a time as any! So, if you're interested, check back for baby news and book reviews and maybe some other random ramblings.

First piece of baby news: I will have the fetal anatomy scan on Monday, February 1st, and hopefully find out the baby's sex! Yay!

And, a question for you: Any advice about which Beaumont (Royal Oak or Troy) to choose for delivery? We are planning to visit both of them one of these days, but I thought I'd solicit opinions, if any of you have any experience with Beaumont.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, do I get inaugural comment?? :) Yay for finding out the gender SOON! So fun.

    I will look forward to your book are my go-to gal for book recommendations!

    Amy O.
