
I have mostly 3.0s and one 4.0 (though, to be honest, I can't tell much of a difference between the two versions).
Pros: Daddy's favorite -- with the velcro, they're easy to put on!
Cons: Since it's a one-size, it's pretty bulky. I've had more leaks with this diaper than with any other brand. I probably need to start using doublers regularly, but that will make the darn thing REALLY bulky. Also, the velcro is staring to show quite a bit of wear already, and while they sell replacement velcro for the tabs, they don't sell it for the panel.
Fuzzibunz One-Size

Cons: The snaps aren't as easy as velcro, especially when Evan decides he'd rather not be having his diaper changed.
Kawaii Diapers

Pros: Cheap! I like these double-stuffed for overnight; I've had very few leaks.
Cons: With the velcro ones, I can already tell it's not going to hold up as well as the BumGenius, and they create laundry chains. (The snap ones are faring better.) These are pretty bulky, too.
There are some more brands I'd like to try, like Bright Star Baby, but since the whole point of cloth diapering in the first place was to save money, and I don't necessarily NEED more diapers (as long as I do wash every other day), I'm going to try to hold off for now. Although, if any diaper companies out there would like to send me a cloth diaper to review, I'd be happy to do it!
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