Evan just turned 3 at the end of June, and I've decided I needed to add a little structure to our at-home time. I found a lot of free preschool curriculums in cyberspace, but I wanted something that was easy-to-follow and, most importantly, had a Christian foundation. That's when I came upon Stacie of
Motherhood On a Dime's curriculum,
God's Little Explorers. Stacie, the author, has a background in elementary education, and she homeschools her girls. The curriculum is 28 weeks, and covers all the letters of the alphabet (one week per letter), but the unique thing about it is that it doesn't start with A -- it starts with X, because X marks the spot for the treasure, and the treasure is God's Word. The second week is G for garden -- the creation story, of course -- and so on.
Now, Stacie offers the
curriculum for free (just follow the links on her website for each week's lessons), but if you're like me and would like it all gathered in one handy download, with improvements and extras, you can spring for the $14 package.* And all proceeds will be donated to fund the building of an orphanage in India.
We're only on day 2, but I've already reviewed the curriculum, and I'm really impressed. It's easy to follow, doesn't require a lot of prep (or supplies), and is good even for the craft-phobic like me. Plus, I really appreciate the biblical focus. I'm glad I took the plunge.
*Oh, and through July 31, 2013 at 11:59 PM CT, you can save $2 by using the code
SAVE2 at check-out!