Saturday, July 13, 2013

Two Books About S-E-X

So, reading books with sexually explicit content is totally not my style.  Before I got married, I avoided such books on principle (why spend time thinking about something I was intent on avoiding?), and now that I am married I really don't care to read about other people's sex lives, even if they are fictional.  Then how did I manage to read two in a row?

The Infinite Moment of UsThe Infinite Moment of Us by Lauren Myracle
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I appreciate Myracle's talent -- and I met her in person once, and she was really gracious and engaging -- so I was glad to get a chance to read this one before its release. I was looking forward to a sweet story of first love. This is realistic fiction, though, so these 18-year-olds think about sex a lot. And have it.  Wren is a good girl, Charlie is a foster kid from "the wrong side of the tracks," and sparks fly the summer after they graduate.  A little too much description for my taste, but I'm sure teenagers will devour it.

Love OverdueLove Overdue by Pamela Morsi
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I should have known, this being published by a Harlequin imprint and all, that there would be sex. But how could I pass up the chance to read a book about a librarian? The library details were well-done, but the love story was a little unrealistic, in my opinion (what's with our culture's reversal of what should be love's natural progression?); namely: boy and girl meet at a club on spring break, have a one-night-stand, and then try to forget each other until they meet again years later and, of course, fall in love. I would have enjoyed this a lot more without the focus on the physical aspect of the characters' relationship and without the guy's meddling mother-in-law (the subplot about her desire to commit suicide was kind of annoying).

All my own opinions, of course. Thanks to the publisher for providing e-galleys for review through NetGalley.

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