My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Another impressive fantasy from Stiefvater. Unlike any other fantasy series I've ever read -- firmly set in our own world, but with a sinister undertone of magic. While the first in the series had its main focus on Blue, Ronan is the hero (or antihero) in this one, and now I am anxious to know what becomes of Noah and Adam, who didn't get a lot of "screen time," and also of Blue and short, while the ending was satisfying, it also left me anxious for the third book, since there is so much more to reveal, about the characters and about the magic itself. The plot is way too complicated to summarize, so if you haven't read the first book, which sets up Blue's dilemma and Gansey's quest, head to your local library today! :) Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy for review through NetGalley.
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