Monday, February 8, 2010

Book Review: Scarlett Fever

Maureen Johnson's sequel to Suite Scarlett is one of those books you race through, not just to find out how it ends, but because it's so much fun to read. In other words, it's really funny. Scarlett is a character I'd love to make friends with, and not just because she has naturally curly hair (which she DOES NOT BRUSH), but because she has such a great sense of humor. I loved reading about life from her point of view. Since it's a Young Adult novel, there's the requisite pining over boys, but what I really enjoyed is the family dynamics. It's rare for sibling relationships to be more central to a YA book than peer relationships are, but Scarlett's brother and sisters are interesting, well-developed characters in their own right, and Scarlett's interactions with them ring true. My only complaint: enough with the cliffhangers already!

1 comment:

  1. I read Suite Scarlett, only because I have a kid named Scarlett. I thought it was pretty fun. I just may pick this one up, too! :)
